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Sunday, December 28, 2014

15% in '15

As of the end of 2014:

Age:  35
Height:  5' 5"
Weight:  243 lbs.
Body Fat Percentage:  51.8%       ***the goal is to lose 15% of this!!!
Muscle:  25%
Total Body Water:  43%
Bone Mass:  6.8 lbs

The Plan:
Morning Stretches / Yoga / light exercises
Meal Plan - do be discussed further in another post
Afternoon exercises - also tbd in another post
Consistent Bed time

By the end of 2015, I will be at 35% body fat (or less... hopefully less!)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Mid-Life College

Here I am at 35 years old, going back to college.  I honestly am ecstatic.

Let's rewind back about 18 years; where I was just 17 years old, as a senior in high school.  Now, at this point, I had fulfilled all of the requirements for graduating high school except for the senior English class.  So basically, all of the other 7 periods/classes were my choice for my senior year.   I stand by the thought that I chose wisely.  I chose to take the "dual-enrollment" classes that were offered at my high school;  in essence, I was both a high school and college student at the same time.  I graduated high school with 18 college credit hours without ever stepping on a college campus.  I did step on campus the next year, and continued earning up to 37 credit hours before I stopped attending college.  I have had every good intention since then of going back to college and finishing the degree that I started, which was Business Administration.

Fast forwarding back to present day;  it has been a whole year that my house was on the market.  The intention was to sell this house and move back to my home-state of Florida and attend college there.  As with the majority of life, it was a good intention.  However, over the past year, as I waited, and waited, and waited for someone to buy this house, I have felt more and more stagnant.  And yes, I know that was a run-on sentence, but it displayed my point.  My life was a run on sentence over this past year.  After having a good heart to heart talk with close friends and a really good prayer session with Jesus.  I decided to take a swing at applying to the local Christian college that is just a few miles from my home.

I left it all in God's hands, and understood that, if I did not get accepted, it meant that I should leave my house on the market and continue to chug along until it sold, then attend college in Florida.  If I was accepted, I would take the house off the market, find a roommate or two and get the degree that I left unfinished years ago.

I was accepted!  I start this week as a college student.  I am more than excited to be attending a Christian college, where I will be learning about Business AND studying the bible in more depth.  God is blessing me and I am so grateful.

I will tell you more as I get further into classes!!

Friday, July 25, 2014

I don't know much about Andrew Armstrong

I have been doing genealogical research as a hobby for several years.  It's a hobby that I only dabble in from time to time, I'm not *that* good at it, but I enjoy learning about history.  With that said, I have been stuck at this guy for a long time, I can't seem to find any info about his parents or further up the line from him.  He is my 3xGreat Grandfather; Andrew Armstrong.

Andrew was born in 1806 in Pennsylvania, seemingly in Franklin County. He married Mary Borland, who was born in 1811 (supposedly in Pennsylvania as well). They lived in Franklin County for the entirety of their marriage, and are buried together in Cedar Grove Cemetery. Mary passed in 1893, while Andrew passed in 1896.

Andrew & Mary had six children, their first child, a daughter, named Sarah F. (Frederica?) was born in 1837 and later married George Schofield(?).   A second child, Hannah, born in 1839; and the third child, also a girl, Anna Margaret, was born in 1845. The next three children were all boys: Joseph Kennedy Armstrong, born in 1846, James A. born in 1849, and finally Andrew Jackson Armstrong, born in 1854. In 1847, the church records show two of the six children as getting baptized. That is the only record I could find in the church town records.  

The majority of the information I have has been gathered from the US Census records on Ancestry.com. According to most historians, the 1850 census was the first to list all of the members of the family, their occupations, ages, and birth places, etc.  In 1850, Andrew Armstrong was a Lime Burner. After googling the phrase "Lime Burner Occupation in 1850", I learned that burned lime (a powder) was the chief component of plaster and used in the building industry. However, in the 1860 Census, he is listed as a Farmer.

In both 1850 and 1860, there is a number value listed for "real estate owned" for Andrew. I am not sure, but I think that means he was doing pretty good in his life.  Owned land, had a wife, six kids....  and he went to church apparently. 

Between 1846 and 1880,  Andrew is shown as attending classes at St. Paul Methodist Church's Town Records. It says, "Class No.3 - Meets at Wm. Davis; Sunday morning at 8 1/2 o' clock".  James Boreland is a name also listed in this class, could he be possibly related to Andrew's wife Mary?

When the Civil War started, Andrew would have been 55 years old. Does anyone know if men in their 50's would have been soldiers in the Union in the Civil War? The three sons would have been 15, 12, and 7. So only the oldest two could have possibly been soldiers.... right? There were only 6 men listed as soldiers in PA in the Union with the name Andrew Armstrong. I cannot find much more information from there. 

So, as I said, I don't know much about Andrew Armstrong. But I want to know him... Is there anyone reading this that has any information you could share?  Insights, opinions, etc... Comment below!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

It was the perfect guy's night out, until she showed up...

"1,001 Writing Prompts to Ignite Your Creative Spark"  by Heather Wallace
       #2.  It was the perfect guy's night out, until she showed up...       

..."Mom, what are you doing here?!"   Cameron practically shrieked the words.

"Oh, Hi Honey,"  replied Carmen, somewhat embarrassed, "I am supposed to be meeting my date here."

"Date? What date!?"  Cameron always thought of his mom as the sweet quiet soccer mom type.  What in the world was she doing in Bubba's Pub on a Friday night, dressed like.... like THAT!   "Mom, what are you doing, shouldn't you be at a church group, or a book club or playing bridge, or, or... or something like other old ladies do!?"  Carmen was flabbergasted.  Sure she was older, anyone with a 22 year old son, would automatically, mathematically have to be older, but she was only just turning 40.  She sighed aloud, she knew the last few years have been hard on Cameron, and the thought of her dating other men, she knew would be shocking to him at best.

It was just 5 years ago, when she & Cameron had learned of her husband's death.  Ronnie had been the best husband and father any woman could have hoped for.  He was Cameron's hero, and hers as well.  And as heroes sometimes do, Ronnie had tried to intervene when he saw a woman being mugged in the parking lot of the local grocery store.  It had cost him his life.  That was when Carmen sold the house, took her son out of the public school, and moved out of the city.  It was not an easy change at first, but it was becoming the best decision by and by.

... to be continued.