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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Mid-Life College

Here I am at 35 years old, going back to college.  I honestly am ecstatic.

Let's rewind back about 18 years; where I was just 17 years old, as a senior in high school.  Now, at this point, I had fulfilled all of the requirements for graduating high school except for the senior English class.  So basically, all of the other 7 periods/classes were my choice for my senior year.   I stand by the thought that I chose wisely.  I chose to take the "dual-enrollment" classes that were offered at my high school;  in essence, I was both a high school and college student at the same time.  I graduated high school with 18 college credit hours without ever stepping on a college campus.  I did step on campus the next year, and continued earning up to 37 credit hours before I stopped attending college.  I have had every good intention since then of going back to college and finishing the degree that I started, which was Business Administration.

Fast forwarding back to present day;  it has been a whole year that my house was on the market.  The intention was to sell this house and move back to my home-state of Florida and attend college there.  As with the majority of life, it was a good intention.  However, over the past year, as I waited, and waited, and waited for someone to buy this house, I have felt more and more stagnant.  And yes, I know that was a run-on sentence, but it displayed my point.  My life was a run on sentence over this past year.  After having a good heart to heart talk with close friends and a really good prayer session with Jesus.  I decided to take a swing at applying to the local Christian college that is just a few miles from my home.

I left it all in God's hands, and understood that, if I did not get accepted, it meant that I should leave my house on the market and continue to chug along until it sold, then attend college in Florida.  If I was accepted, I would take the house off the market, find a roommate or two and get the degree that I left unfinished years ago.

I was accepted!  I start this week as a college student.  I am more than excited to be attending a Christian college, where I will be learning about Business AND studying the bible in more depth.  God is blessing me and I am so grateful.

I will tell you more as I get further into classes!!