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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I (heart) Monstober


Each October turns into "Monstober" on the Disney Channel...


Thank you Disney Channel for starting the Halloween festivities at the beginning of the month.

Yes, I am one of those people who love Halloween and is ready to start celebrating on October 1st (or sooner)! To be fair, On November 1, I am ready for Thanksgiving. Then, the day after Thanksgiving, I pull out the Christmas decorations. What can I say, I like to celebrate things.  Yep, I also start a birthday countdown every year in my birth month. I don't necessarily love to grow older, but I certainly love to have a party!

Monstober this year actually started on Oct. 2nd with a Crossover event, where characters from one show make guest appearances on another show. And this is where I will tell you that, as someone that enjoys writing and appreciates the way a story (any story) is told... I seriously love the crossover events. I think it is fantastic how they intertwine all of the shows into, basically one long show.

The Central Park Spooktacular is the central theme to all of the crossover shows this year, and Disney planted a "masked man" at the spooktacular. He appeared in all of the shows at some point or another.  The idea was for the viewers to keep count of how many times he appeared, then submit your answer online for a chance to win two tickets to a Disney Cruise. I did not participate, but I liked the idea of that.  I am sure it kept the kids (and kids-at-heart) focused on the shows.  I know what you're thinking "Cindy, you are a kid at heart, you were focused on the shows."  Yes, I am and I was, but I was also reading from my Global Business Today book and prepping for a new college class, so I didn't bother counting the masked man's appearances. But, I did enjoy every show.

Thank you Disney, for every year's Monstober!

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