"Focus on what's ahead"
"Keep your eyes on what's in front of you"
... all good and motivational quotes, but I am here to tell you.... You should stop and look back.
A few years ago, I was very heavy and out of shape (I still am, but it was worse then). A good friend invited me walk with her around her neighborhood. Her neighborhood was in a rural area, where the roads were winding and full of small hills. Still, I agreed to walk with her. I love challenges and I loved having a supportive friend. We started out at a good pace, on a mostly level road. We had walked about a half of a mile and then we turned onto a road that was a steady climb upward.

She said, "Turn around. Look back to where we started."
I turned and looked back at the long road behind us. The slow decline back to the level road that lead back to her house. We had climbed the majority of the hill and were near the top already.
She said, "Look how far you've come already. And we're only half way there! See... you can do this."
A moment ago, I was ready to give up, to give in, and throw in the metaphorical towel. (If I had had a towel, it would have been drenched with sweat, I can tell you that for certain.) But, her words, and the view before me gave me a new surge of energy and a sense of accomplishment. And I wasn't even done yet!
I kept that moment in my heart and I have kept that in practice. When I feel like I can't go on, when I feel like giving up, or giving in... I look back.
I look back to where I started.
I look at the struggles I went through.
I look at the battles I fought and won.
I look at the places where I fell on my face and stood back up.
I look at the battles I'd lost and the new path they set me upon.
And I look at how far back in the past they are, and where I stand today.
Then I feel renewed. I feel better.
Look at what I've accomplished.
Look at what I've overcome.
Look how far I've come.
That's when I say... I can't give up now. I'm almost there. I'm ready to climb again. I'm ready to fight for my dreams. I'm ready for this. It's Game Time... LET'S DO THIS!!!
So, I am here to tell you... It's okay to look back.
In fact, you should take the time to look back. Just don't dwell there.
Look back at what you've overcome already, and use that as fuel to continue on.
Don't give up until you Look Back at what you've accomplished.
As Joe Dirt said, "You gotta keep on, keepin' on."