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Monday, December 3, 2012

This is Me

Just a little background info...

I am in my thirties, divorced...I would still be married, but I feel that if my husband is sleeping with another woman, he should be with that woman, not me. So, I'm divorced.  In the 4 years that I was with him, I was stressed out often and gained quite a bit of weight.  I have made it my goal this year to lose 15% body fat.  

I grew up in the Sunshine State, and moved to Tennessee when I was in my late 20's .  I am many miles away from my hometown and my family. It was a gutsy move, but I had to give it a shot.  I am glad I did, no regrets there, I'm a happy girl.   

I have wonderful parents who have blessed me with so much love and quality time, but kept me in line with house rules & chores.  

I went to a big high school in a big city, with plenty of diversity. I was on the dance team and a few various "clubs"... I made fairly good grades. I was in the gifted/advanced classes (except for math, boo... I hate math).   

I have worked in retail, childcare, and various offices... but my dream is to make a living by being creative, or dancing, (though I think it's a bit late in my life now for dancing).  

I love kids, because I am a big one. And I hope that one day I can have one of my own.

I have two awesome dogs. They are big, and they love and protect me. I love them too!


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