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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Inaugural CMA Awards Show

Tonight is the 49th Annual CMA (Country Music Association) Awards Show... It is definitely one of my favorite award shows to watch.

Lets start with, I grew up with country music and I thoroughly enjoy every bit of it. Add to that, I think Brad Paisley is freakin' hilarious. He is, in my opinion, one of the best awards show hosts. Then wrap it all up with a fancy bow that says, tonight Fall Out Boy is going to perform there!
Woot Woot!! I've got the DVR Set!

Now, since I share the initials CMA, I generally refer to this show as MY awards show.  "Hey, you gonna watch my award show tonight? No?  Well, you're gonna miss out, cause it's gonna be good!"

With that in mind, I thought, why not... so I have decided to list my own categories and winners for MY own, personal, C.M.A. Awards. So, without further ado...   Do do do dooooooooooo

"Welcome friends to the Inaugural Listing of my personal C.M.A. Awards...It has been a crazy year ya'll. It really has. Ups and downs, and spin arounds of all kinds. Through it all we've managed to keep the laughter going. So it's not a surprise that our first category of the night is...

The Memory with the Most Laughs"...  Nominees include:  My sister screaming angrily at me "Fine, I love you, now put Mom on the phone!",  Playing Cards Against Humanity for the first time, and finally Playing Cards Against Humanity with my Mother who kept using phallic themed cards and grossing my sister out. And the Award goes to.... Playing Cards Against Humanity with my Mother who kept playing phallic themed cards to gross my sister out.   Who doesn't love it when their sibling is bested by their parents!  Such as awesome memory, I could hardly breathe from laughing hysterically.

Best Movie that I Saw in the Theater this year goes to...the ONLY movie I saw in the theater this year.  SPY with Melissa McCarthy.  Good job, girl.  I was not disappointed in the least.  You are wonderful and inspirational, and hilarious.

The Class at College I liked the most this past year...Nominees include, International Business Strategy, Marketing, and Principles of Management...the Award goes to Marketing! Professor Barnstrator knew how to deliver the jokes.  He was cynical in the most entertaining way. And I learned things, actual things!  Second place runner up is International Business Strategy, loved that Professor as well.

Funniest Conversation this year, its hard to pin this down! Nominees include: the naming of my own personal NSA Agent. (Hi NSADave!), the Willy Wonka and the evil Oompa Loompa discussion, and catching up with my Aunt & Uncle that I hadn't seen in years by bonding over stand up comedians.... And this was a very very close call, but I have to give it up to the naming of NSADave. It just wouldn't be right if I didn't acknowledge him.  #nsadaveisimportant

The Genre That I Explode Into Song the Most In:  country? rock? oldies? ....  80's Hair Band Classic Rock... because, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone!

Favorite Man Behind the Movies...   Edward Kitsis?  Adam Horowitz?  Garry Marshall?   No, no, no, those are all fantastic choices, but No....  The Award goes to Mel Brooks, yes, the award goes to Yogurt the wise, Yogurt the all powerful. Yogurt the Magnificent!... even if he is just plain yogurt!

Talk Show I'd Like to be a Guest On:  The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, actually any talk show with Jimmy Fallon, I just want to make him laugh and forget what he was talking about...  :-)

Cindy's Celebrity Crush....  I think anyone that knows me personally already knows the answer to this. There are 3 Awards in this category.... the Winner wins because he's just plain dorky, loves his family, helps out the kiddies, and oddly weirdly kinda reminds me of my dad: Chris Evans.  The 1st runner-up, for being an adorably sexy goofball: Bradley Cooper, and in third place, Most of the Cast of the Vikings, because you're just dang hot & sexy. Yep. You are.

Favorite TV Show:  Once Upon A Time, duh.

Celebrity Couple that I'd Most Like to Be Adopted By:  Chris Pratt & Anna Faris.  Not sure how that would work though, but they seem like fun parents, so hey... they win.

Choice of Last Meal's If I Was Ever On Death Row:  full thanksgiving meal.  I'm going out in a tryptophan coma.

Pro I Would Want If I Were On Dancing With The Stars:  This is tough, because he isn't my #1 favorite, but I think he comes up with really awesome routines that sometimes get overlooked or overshadowed, so he wins this round:  Val C.

YouTube Videos I Am Currently Enjoying:  David Armand miming to songs.  I can't stop watching.

Yeah, these categories are totally random because I literally, just decided to write this post about 20 minutes ago, and this is what I could come up with in that short time.

Maybe next year the categories will be better and have more rhyme and reason to them.

Tune in to the real Country Music Awards tonight... I promise it'll have some good stuff!

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