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Thursday, November 12, 2015

It Happened Last Night... with Ludo

My dog Ludo came to the house at 7 months old, when my then roommate brought him home to keep him from going to the pound. She tried to find him a home several times, but it never really worked out. Apparently, he was not treated very well, and he is very shy and untrusting of people. I even tried to find him a home. And, I thought that I had found one for him back in my home state of Florida, but before I could take him there, he and I had a loving moment and he became my dog forever. (To be clear, he is my second dog, I can't deny my beautiful Dixie girl).

The moment?  Well, I came home one day before the roomie did, and I noticed that he was limping a bit. I saw that one of his claws was missing. Poor little guy. So I took him in the bathroom and gently cleaned his paw up.  It was just me and him in there, and he leaned against me and wrapped his little head around my shoulder like he was hugging me. He trusted me. I fell in love.

That was three years ago. He trusts me so much now that he is quite relaxed around me. Sometimes he can even be a little bit of a bratty thing. I still get those sweet loving moments with him. But, sometimes I get those moments like, "Come on, Mom, get with the times!"

I've had to give him some Benedryl over the last few days, which means that Dixie and Ludo have been getting to eat hot dog pieces. Yummy yummy hot dog, doing a good job of disguising the medicine.

Ludo sleeps next to me every night. Sometimes to the point of pushing me off the bed! Ludo likes to roll around in his sleep, and sometimes sleeps on his back. Last night, Ludo was turned so that his face was away from me and his tail was near my pillow. When he decided to roll onto his back, he basically stuck his paw in my face. So I reached out and pushed his leg back down, making him roll back onto his side.

I looked over at him. His little head popped up and looking back at me with this look on his face. A look like "Really, bitch? Really?" I just laughed. But he got me back for it just a few minutes later, with a hot dog fart. Hot dog farts smell like hot dogs, with an added flair. As if some of the sauerkraut on a hot dog cart, fell into the hot dog juice while it was still hot enough to give off steam, but approaching lukewarm status. Then juice sloshed around a little, and some of it splashed up into your nostril as the steam covered your face. Yeah, like that.

Hot dog farts are NOT fun when they are in your face. Trust me on that one. But I still love the little guy.

Ludo, my little lovey bratty farty boy.

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