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Monday, January 26, 2015

Words are so.... wordy.

You may or may not be aware that I am currently a college student, having recently returned to college after a long hiatus.  I like to say that I am getting my BS degree in BS.  And let me tell you, it really feels that way sometimes.

I'm not generally one for bull-'spit'ting, for the most part, what you see if what you get with me. And I tend to speak, and write, in the same way.... no extra fluff.  Just say what I have to say and done.

This is NOT the case in college.  Oh. My. Gosh.  Why do they take 5 long sentences to ask you one question that could have just been 5 words long?

Once I had a question that went like this "When a total product is increasing at a decreasing rate, marginal product is ___________"  ... I mean really.... doesn't that just mean that it is falling fast?!?

All in all, after every quiz I take I feel like this girl:

and this baby:

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