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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Dixie's Recap of Her Day

This morning it took all five of the alarm clocks to wake up our Human, we call her Mom.  Sheesh, that lady is NOT a morning person AT ALL.  When she finally left for work, we got ourselves ready for our jobs. Word on the street is there’s a calico cat roaming the neighborhood; we need to stay on guard today. Mom says that cats are not allowed in our yard.  She also wants us to be sure to bark at all of the birds and squirrels that try to enter.  My name is Dixie, this here is my partner, and little brother, Ludo. We run security during the day here at ‘The Backyard’.  It’s not an easy job, but somedoggy has to do it.

I had an uneasy feeling about today; the smell of trouble was floating in the air.  Before I could finish my Beggin’ Strip, the fowl creature swooped down onto the back porch. Right away, my partner and I came up behind the bird.  We had both our tails and ears perked up on high alert.  Ludo called for back-up while I gave the bird a verbal warning.  “Put your wings where I can see them. State your business here!” Meanwhile, Ludo barked out, “Back Up Requested, we have Fowl, I repeat, we have Fowl!” Only, the answer we received from the neighborhood dogs was, “Negatory, we are all tied up over here, we can’t help you”.  Looks like it’s up to us, Ludo. After a few hours, we managed to tire the little birdy out.  He finally passed out from exhaustion.  That’s when we pawed him. “What should we do with it?” Ludo asked.  I answered, “Leave him here, Mom needs to see that we are doing our job keeping this house safe.  For now, let’s take a break.”

We spent a little time running around in the grass. It felt good to have the wind flap my ears up and down.  The other dogs signaled us, inquiring about the bird situation.  “We took care of it. He won’t be getting high around here anymore.” The other dogs enjoyed my joke, Ludo did too, he was rolling in the grass laughing his tail off. It was just about that time Mom pulled into the driveway.  “We got to go”, I told the other dogs “we got a kibble date with the Mom tonight.” The other dogs howled, they are such puppies, still so immature.

Mom came onto the back porch and reacted loudly when she saw that we had handled the bird situation successfully.  I took that as a good sign.  Our work day was done, we went inside the house with her to relax after our hard day.

This is the time of day when we all like to unwind and let our tails wag a little.  Mom scratches our heads and gives us our performance reviews along with our treats. Then she sings us random songs about … well, about us.  Her songs are a little silly, off-key, and they often don’t rhyme, but she means to make us happy, and that she does.

That woman can do some crazy things.  Usually, she sits at this desk and looks at this bright square.  She eats delicious smelling foods with one funky looking paw, and pokes this black rectangle thing with the other funky looking paw.  I haven’t quite figured out what she is doing, but it must be important to her.  She calls it her college homework, but honestly I think there is more to it than that.  I think she is just telling stories and she is somehow using this contraption to do it, but I can’t prove it … hell, I can’t read.

I like to be close to her though, because she makes me happy.  So I just lie down on the floor near her seat.  Ludo lies down with me, he likes to be close to her, too. When she is finally done staring at that bright square, she goes into this room that I call ‘the water room’.  I don’t like that room.  Every time I enter that room, she traps me in there. I’m a sucker for chicken and she knows it.  That is how she lures me in there.  Then she somehow sticks me into this box where I am squirted down and my beautiful scent gets ruined!  It’s the only time I ever growl at Mom.  Apparently, it doesn’t intimidate her when I growl at her; I guess she knows how I really feel about her.

When she comes out of that room, she goes into another room, with a big bed in it.  This is our Bow-Wow time together.  Where we talk about our days and she rubs our bellies and scratches our ears.  When it is finally time to go to sleep, she covers her head and pretends that she isn’t there anymore.  We might not be able to see her under those covers, but we know that she is there.  She is always there.  This Mom has never left us, and never let us down.  It’s nice to have that kind of steadiness in our crazy line of work. On this big bed, we all have room to spread our legs and tails out, and rest up for another long day at work. 

At 5:30 A.M. the first alarm goes off.  Geez, do all humans need five alarms before they wake up!? 

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