Around about a decade ago, my father and I took a long road trip together. The last stop of our "Circling the South" tour was
Harlan, Kentucky, for the Southern Shine Crawl at the
Black Mountain Recreational Park hosted by the Kentucky Mountain Crawlers (thanks guys!).
Aerial View found on Wikipedia |
Now, keep in mind that, 10+ years ago, Harlan, KY didn't have much in the way of cell reception. This town is surrounded by mountains, quite literally. I honestly have no idea how the cell service there is now, I haven't had the chance to visit since. However, I remember that on this trip, in order to call my Mom for the 'check in' to say a fuzzy broken scratchy "Hi-We're still alive", Dad and I would have to park in one specific spot, in the vastly empty parking lot of a 'popular' shopping plaza.
On our last day there, we picked up dinner at the local
KFC. We ate our dinner in the truck, in our specific parking spot as we called to check in. I noticed that on this particular night a few of the local Vehicle Enforcement Officers were gathered in the parking lot as well. "
Must be on their cell phones, too" I thought to myself.
After we said good night to Mom, I started the truck and we left to return to the
one hotel in town (might be more now). While waiting at the light to turn onto the highway from the lot, one of the officers pulled up behind me. I didn't think much of it, he was probably also leaving. The light turned green, and I turned into the left lane, since our hotel was on the
left side of the highway before the next light.

I was driving the speed limit, I promise I was... my Dad was in the truck with me and he cares about that stuff. I eased to the left a bit, ready to begin a left turn, but realized there was a median, so I straightened up and kept heading for the light as planned.
It was about this time that the
blue lights (
no red ones) started flashing in my rear view mirror. I pulled over to the right side of the road and onto the shoulder, like a responsible driver.
The officer approached the window as I rolled it down and said 'Hello'.
"How ya doing this evening? Ya'll been drinking or doing any drugs tonight?" He asked.
I looked at him as if he were a calculus equation... written with caulk... on a pizza... that smelled like eggs. I turned my head slowly, to look at my father. A man who was has worn a white t-shirt and blue jeans since he was a child. A man who has had the same short hair cut since he started grade school. My Dad is very clean cut and no where near hippie-status. He was also gazing upon this cop with a look that said... are you stupid? really? seriously? wow.
I looked back at Mr.Po-Po, "Um, no."
He took my license and went back to check me out while Dad and I laughed about the people on 4-wheeler's without helmets driving on the highway past us.
When he returned... "Do you know why I pulled you over tonight, ma'am?"
That is when I realized there had been two other Vehicle Enforcement cars pulled behind his that were now leaving. I guess since the whole 'drug' thing had cleared he no longer needed back-up. At this point, I was amused. Apparently a truck from Florida that was parked in a Kentucky dollar store parking lot could lead to suspicions of drug activity, who knew!? But I digress...
"No, sir, I have no idea why you pulled me over."
"You were driving kinda slow in the left lane and weaving a bit."
I am sure at that point I was smirking at him, I couldn't help it. This was entertaining me.
"I was getting ready to turn, and realized there is a median so I straightened up to go to the turn lane at the light."
(realization settling in) Oh, I see. Nah, nah, see, you can just pull right over the median, it don't matter. Here's your information back. Ya'll here for the 4x4 crawl?"
So this is where I should tell you that back then I drove a 4x4 truck, with a large "4x4" vinyl sticker on my back windshield, and all-terrain 35's (
aka big tires). I can't recall his name now, but I'm thinking it may have been Officer Sherlock, or perhaps... Deputy Watson?
"Well, we were, but we are leaving in the morning."
"Well, ya'll have a good trip back home."
"Thank you."
I let him leave before us, lest we get pulled over again for obeying traffic laws. But, Dad and I had a good laugh, and we added another great memory to the many made during our father/daughter trip. Thanks, Deputy Watson... this open beer in my moving vehicle is for you.
Harlan County, KY... where it is okay to drive on the median.
Google street view image from Harlan, KY, catches the process of a left turn onto the Hwy |
Note: Harlan, Kentucky is truly a beautiful, breath-taking place to see, and I encourage you to visit...
Just don't drive too slow in the left lane!
And don't worry about the lack of turn lanes.