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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Just Another Sunday

Hello friends!

It's Sunday ... a beautiful Sunday I must say. 
The weather is very nice, quiet in the neighborhood... and I have been surprisingly productive today.  

I finished up my homework and final quiz for my college Business Law class. I have cleaned the house, did some laundry... and the dishes are done, man!

So now I am catching up on some DVR'ed shows and uploading some Halloween music to my PC and Cloud. Yeah, I know it's a little early to be thinking about Halloween, but I have been trying to get all on my CD's uploaded into my Cloud.  Wow, that sentence would have made no sense twenty years ago. 

So far, I have over 3,500 mp3 files in my cloud. It's possible that I may have a music hoarding problem. Though, personally, I think it is totally fine.  :) 

So, what are you doing on this beautiful Sunday? 

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