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Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Have you ever had so many things on your mind, that you had nothing on your mind?

That is how I feel lately.  There are too many things to think about. 

And just when I think that maybe I can sit down and write it out... I go blank.  

I can't think of anything to write about. 

So I will write about being blank.

Is there a wild freedom in going blank? 

You can start anywhere, circle around, make a square, angle it back, swerve, curve, sway, rise and fall... and end wherever you want to. 

Do the dark lines blend into the white canvas?

Where do the colors fall?

Suddenly I want to start singing "True Colors" by Cyndi Lauper

I apologize for a blog with a lack of content... I really just have too many things in my head that I cannot decide which one I should write about...

And I leave you with a random, bright, and colorful picture with a quote by Lilly Pulitzer

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