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Sunday, September 6, 2015

It's Sunday Again

It's Sunday again, ya'll...  I have so much reading to do for my college classes, but I just can't seem to motivate myself to stay focused on it.  In my Old Testament Survey class I need to read selected chapters from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.  They are all great books, but long! And while most of the stories within them are...well, EPIC ... there are also some parts that are sooooo boring. Since I don't have to work tomorrow (since tomorrow is Labor Day) I will spend the majority of tomorrow reading.

My other class is HR Management, and thankfully I only need to read two chapters of that book. I am going to wait to read those two on Tuesday or Wednesday night.  You see, class in on Thursday, and we will take a quiz on the chapters read, so I would rather wait to have them fresher in my mind when I take the quiz. Strategic reading. Yes, I will call it strategic reading. It's not laziness.... really. 

Speaking of laziness, I finally caught up on the Jim Gaffigan Show episodes that I had in my DVR.  I really love that guy, he is just naturally funny. Its a gift. I have to admit, the show is not quite as funny as his stand up routine.  But, to be fair, the whole point of a stand up routine is to keep people laughing through the set, whereas a television show is made to entertain with a story line and offer up the occasional laugh. His show does what it is supposed to. 

And now I am catching up on Modern Family, even though I should be reading. This is another show that makes me laugh continually. What dynamic personalities on this show. It really is a great show, and now I must go so I can finish watching the episodes!  

Talk to ya later!!! 

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